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Volume 21(6); December 2005
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Original Articles
Clinical Analysis of 42 Cases Who Underwent Colectomy for Suspected Acute Appendicitis.
Yoon, Ho Young , Kim, Byung Chun
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):357-361.
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When patients underwent emergency surgery for suspected appendicitis, colon resection could be performed at the time of the initial operation. The aim of this study was to evaluate 42 cases underwent colectomy for suspected acute appendicitis.
A retrospective analysis of 42 patients underwent colectomy for suspected acute appendicitis was performed over the period from January 1997 to December 2003 at the department of surgery, Kangnam Sacred Heart hospital, Hallym university.
The sex ratio were 1.2:1. The mean age was 37.7 years. Right lower quadrant pain was present in all patients. Nausea and vomiting occurred in 18 cases (42.8%). Preoperative fever was 11 cases (26.1%). Abdominal ultrasound was most commonly performed preoperatively. The operative findings showed cecal mass with pericecal abscess was 20 cases (47.5%) and cecal mass with inflammation, 11 cases (26.1%), etc. The pathologic findings showed cecal diverticular abscess was 18 cases (42.8%) and pericecal abscess, 9 cases (21.4%), periappendiceal abscess, 5 cases (11.9%), etc. Type of operation was ileocecectomy, 29 cases (69.04%), and right hemicolectomy, 12 cases (28.57%), and extended right hemicolectomy, 1 case. Postoperative complications developed in 12 cases (28.57%), but those were uneventful.
When an unexpected and suspicious cecal mass was found at operation for suspected appendicitis, the resection of all clinically apparent disease including colectomy could be considered. So, the surgeon must be aware of the possibility of these condition and choose the appropriate treatment.
The Clinical and Physiologic Characteristics of Patients with Pelvic Outlet Obstructive Disease.
Ahn, Eun Jung , Jeong, Gyu Young , Cheon, Seung Hui , Lee, Eun Joung , Oh, Soo Youn , Chung, Soon Sup , Lee, Ryung Ah , Kim, Kwang Ho , Park, Eung Bum
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):362-369.
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With recent anorectal physiologic studies, functional etiologies of pelvic outlet obstructive disease were evaluated in detail. The current study was designed to assess the clinical and the physiologic characteristics of patients with pelvic outlet obstructive disease.
one hundred two (102) patients with pelvic outlet obstructive disease were evaluated with anorectal physiologic studies, including the colonic transit time (n=66), anorectal manometry (n=88), defecography (n=102), anal sphincter EMG (n=50), and colonoscopy or barium enema (n=77). The patients were categorized as group I (nonrelaxing puborectalis syndrome), group II (rectocele), group III (sigmoidocele), and group IV (rectoanal intussusception). The clinical and the physiologic characteristics were compared between the groups.
The mean age was 51.9 years, and the sex ratio was 1:1.9. the populations of the groups were group I 45.1% (n=46), group II 36.3% (n=37), group III 5.9% (n=6), and group IV 9.8% (n=10). In group II and group III, co-existing etiologies were more, and the incidences of female patients was higher (P<0.05). Delayed colonic transit time was noted in 11 patients (17%). Diverticula was observed in 6 patients (8%), polyps in 12 patients (16%), and melanosis coli in 14 patients (18%). On anorectal manometry, group I showed higher maximal voluntary contraction and mean squeezing pressure than the other groups (P<0.05). On defecography, group I had a shorter perineal descent at rest and a smaller anorectal angle at push (P<0.05).
The current study showed the clinical and the physiologic characteristics of the each functional etiology in patients with pelvic outlet obstructive disease. These results provide fundamental data for diagnosis of and tailored therapy for pelvic outlet obstructive disease.
Clinical Study of Circular Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy.
Kang, Jung Gu , Lee, Seuk Young , Lee, Sang Hyeok
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):370-375.
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A circular stapler hemorrhoidectomy is widely used to treat hemorrhoids and has the advantages of less pain and an earlier return to work compared with a conventional excisional hemorrhoidectomy. This study examined the clinical significance and efficacy of a circular stapled hemorrhoidectomy.
One hundred eighty-six (186) patients with prolapsed hemorrhoids underwent surgery using a circular stapler. The patients' characteristics, the operation time, the postoperative course, the procedure- related factors, the pain, and the complications were analyzed. All the patients received a follow-up examination at the outpatient clinic, including the time to return to work, and the degree of satisfaction was analyzed.
Grade-III hemorrhoids were the most common complaint (74.1%), followed by grade-IV hemorrhoids (23.7%). Twenty-one cases (11.3%) had undergone previous anal operations: hemorrhoids, fissure, and fistula. Regarding the anesthetic method, caudal anesthesia was used in 59.7% of the cases, and spinal or saddle anesthesia was used in 39.2%. The mean operation time was 19.1 minutes (range: 8~50). The postoperative pain scores were 3.4 on the operation day, 2.1 on the postoperative 3rd day, and 0.9 on the postoperative 7th day. During the operation, a hemostatic suture was made at the suture line in 72.0% of the cases. Muscle involvement was detected at a donut specimen grossly in 9% of cases and microscopically in 48.9%. The mean thickness of muscle involvement was 2.5 mm. In the postoperative course, the time for the first bowel movement was 1.2 days, and the mean hospital stay was 2.1 days. The mean time needed for the patient to return to work was 6.2 days. The most common complication encountered was urinary problems (34.9%). The incidence of postoperative bleeding was 2.2%. Postoperative follow- up revealed one case of a hemorrhoids recurrence and one case of temporary fecal incontinence.
The circular stapler hemorrhoidectomy has no disadvantage in terms of operation time and operative course, and has an advantage in terms of operative pain and an earlier return to normal work without any significant or serious complications. Moreover, it has minimal long-term complications. Therefore, a circular stapler hemorrhoidectomy can be performed safely and is recommended as a useful method for treating hemorrhoids.
Investigation of Defecographic Findings in Patients with Pelvic Outlet Obstructive Disease.
Kim, Kyong Rae , Kim, Young Sok , Chung, Soon Sup , Ahn, Eun Jung , Oh, Soo Youn , Park, Ung Chae , Shon, Dae Ho , Sakong, Joon , Kim, Sang Woon , Kim, Jae Hwang , Shim, Min Chul
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):376-383.
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Defecography is a dynamic investigation which can influence clinical decision making in patients with pelvic outlet obstructive disease (POOD). The current study was designed to establish defecographic findings in patients with POOD. Specifically, we sought to assess the physiologic characteristics of categorized types by using anorectal physiologic tests.
One hundred seven patients (disease group; 45 men, 62 women) with POOD were retrospectively categorized as type I [non-relaxation of puborectalis (NRPR) only, n=19], type II [NRPR and rectocele, n=20], type III [NRPR, rectocele, and dynamic perineal descent (PD), n=17], type IV [deformed rectocele, mild-to-moderate fixed PD, and absence of NRPR, n=29], and type V [rectocele, severe fixed PD, and absence of NRPR, n=20] on the bases of defecographic findings. The ability to evacuate, the frequency/degree of intarectal intussusception (IRI), and the size of the rectocele were evaulated in these defecographic types of POOD. Age, duration of symptoms, and the physiologic findings of anal manometry and EMG/PNTML were compared for the five types. Eighteen healthy volunteers who had no defecation difficulty were used to estimate the normal findings of defecography.
The age and the sex showed no significant differences among the types. The duration of symptoms was gradually lengthened from type I to V (P<0.01). The ability to evacuate in patients with POOD was significantly worse (failed to effectively evacuate) compared to that in the healthy volunteers (P<0.01). The frequency of IRI was increased more and more from type I to V (P<0.01). The size of the rectocele was significantly increased in types V compared to the other types (P<0.01). Manometric and neurologic findings, including EMG/PNTML, revealed no significant differences among the types.
Even though there were no specific differences in the findings of the anal manometric and neurologic tests, the evacuation dynamics; were different in the five defecographic categories of patients with POOD. Specifically, these differences were relevants to the presence of NRPR, rectoceles, IRI, and perineal descent.
Safety of Conservative Treatment of Colonoscopic Perforation.
Na, Eun Jong , Kim, Kyung Jong , Min, Young Don
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):384-389.
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Colonoscopy is a relatively safe procedure. However, various complications, such as hemorrhage or perforation, can occur, and among them, perforation can lead to death. This study was designed to evaluate the clinical characteristics and the treatment of colonoscopic perforation, as well as the availability of conservative treatment as the initial management.
We reviewed the medical records of the 11 patients who had been treated for colonoscopic perforation from May 2003 to April 2005.
Six perforations were related to diagnostic colonoscopy whereas five occurred from therapeutic colonoscopy. The sigmoid colon was the most common perforation site (6 patients), followed by the cecum 2 patients and the transverse colon, splenic flexure, and the rectum 1 patient each. Five patients were diagnosed during colonoscopy. Six patients were diagnosed 12~48 hours after the colonoscopy. Three patients who showed definite signs of peritonitis underwent emergency operations. A conservative treatment was done in eight patients; among them, one patient had an operation on the 3rd. day after the perforation. The remaining seven patients underwent conservative treatment and were followed for up to 1 month without complications. Among these patients, one patient had a recurrent perforation on the 33rd day after the initial perforation, and an operation was done.
These results suggest that conservative treatment in patients with colon perforations is safe and effective unless there are obvious signs of generalized peritonitis.
Step-by-step Management and Treatment Outcome of Bleeding Control for Anastomosis Site after Low Anterior Resection with Double Stapling Technique.
Kim, Hyuk Mun , Shin, Eung Jin , Song, Ok Pyung , Kim, Jae Joon , Jang, Yong Seok , Park, Rae Kyung , Baek, Moo Joon
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):390-395.
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This study reviews our experience with a step- by-step management approach of increasing aggressiveness and evaluates the treatment outcome for intraluminal hemorrhage.
The study group was comprised of patients who had experienced intraluminal hemorrhage after a low anterior resection with the double stapling technique from 1999 to 2003. The choice of management was selected according to our step-by-step management protocol, and the outcomes were evaluated for each step, lincluding mortality and complications.
Nine patients (6 males and 3 females, mean age 55 years) were identified, the mean volume of packed RBC transfusion was 2 pints, and the mean distance of the anastomotic site from the anal verge was 6 cm. The median stapler size was 31 mm. The first step was cold saline irrigation and drainage; four of 9 patients were controlled. The second step was retention enema with topical hemostatics; one of remaining 5 patients stopped bleeding. The third step was colonoscopic hypertonic saline injection around the bleeding site with direct colonoscopic electrocauterization, two of remaining 4 patients were controlled. The last step was suturing the bleeding site through the anus, the remaining 2 patients stopped bleeding. One of the 9 patients developed leakage from the anastomotic site after the last step management, three of the 9 patients had long standing ileus, and one of the 9 patients developed acute renal failure after a massive transfusion. There were no postoperative deaths.
It is safer and easier to control bleeding with step-by-step management system of increasing aggressiveness.
Safety and Feasibility of Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection in Early Learning Curve.
Kang, Jeong Hyun , Park, Yoon Ah , Baik, Seung Hyuk , Lee, Kang Young , Kim, Nam Kyu , Sohn, Seung Kook , Cho, Chang Hwan
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):396-400.
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After the final report of Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Therapy (COST) study group, the application of laparoscopic surgery in colon cancer a spread widely. However, laparoscopic surgery in the rectum is still regarded as a complicated procedure to start due to technical difficulties and a steep learning curve. The aim of this study was to show the safety and technical feasibility of a laparoscopic low anterior resection at an early time on the learning curve in comparison with open low anterior resection.
The learning curves of one colorectal surgeon in open and laparoscopic low anterior resections were retrospectively compared. The compared factors were clinicopathologic characteristics, operation time, and the factors associated with postoperative recovery, morbidity and mortality.
There were no significant differences in age or sex between two groups. The operation time was significantly longer in the laparoscopy group (P<0.001) In the view point of postoperative recovery, the laparoscopy group showed significant advantages in hospital stay (P<0.001), the passage of flatus (P<0.001), the number of analgesics used (P=0.03), and the removal of foley catheter (P=0.001). There were no conversions in the laparoscopy group, and the complication rate was lower in the laparoscopy group (10.7% vs. 17.6%). There was no postoperative mortality in either group.
Even though the operation time was significantly longer in the laparoscopy group, a laparoscopic low anterior resection appears to have some benefits in postoperative recovery and morbidity. In terms of surgical outcomes, a laparoscopic low anterior resection can be performed safely even in early times on the learning curve.
Brain Metastases Developed in Advanced Colorectal Cancer Patients who Underwent Multi-drug Chemotherapy.
Park, Yong Keun , Lee, Sang Lim , Suh, Kwang Wook
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):401-405.
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Brain metastasis from colorectal cancer is a rare clinical condition. We have experienced five cases of brain metastases in a relatively short period of time during extensive chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer. To examine whether this phenomenon is a simple coincidence or there is a correlation with prolongation of life span in patients with stage IV colorectal cancer, we analysed five patients with brain metastases.
The case histories of 47 patients with unresectable systemic metastases who had undergone sequential chemotherapy (FOLFOX and FOLFIRI) in Ajou University Hospital from August 2002 to December 2004 were reviewed and analyzed for clinical characteristics. The sites of unresectable metastases were the liver (n=28), the lung (n=28), and the paraaortic nodes (N=6). Diagnostic criteria of unresectable metastasis were multiple or bilobar lesions in hepatic metastasis and multilobar involvement in pulmonary metastasis.
There was no complete remission. Partial remission was noted in 31.9% of the patients and stable disease in 8.5%. Sequential chemotherapy showed no effect in 59.6% of the patients. Brain metastases occurred in five patients (10.6%). Accompanying metastases were found in the lung (n=4), the liver (n=3), the paralortic lymph nodes (n=2), and bone (n=1). Four patient (21.0%) were noted in the response group. The mean interval from primary cancer surgery to the diagnosis of brain metastasis was 27.5 (20~44) months. From the start of chemotherapy, brain metastasis was diagnosed at an average of 10.5 (8~16) months. Metastasectomies were performed in three patients, and stereotaxic radiosurgery was performed in two patients. One patient died with the disease, and four patients have been alive with the disease for more than six months.
It is still unclear whether the increasing incidence of brain metastasis is related with prolongation of life expectancy in patients with stage IV colorectal cancer. However, about half of the stage IV colorectal cancer patients were found to obtain meaningful survival benefits by sequential chemotherapy, and 20% of chemo- responders showed brain metastases. Therefore, we conclude that the increasing incidence of brain metastasis seems to correlate with prolongation of life expectancy in stage IV colorectal cancer.
Decision of Salvage Treatment after Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery: Clinical Experience on 36 Cases of Rectal Cancer.
Shin, Suk Hee , Han, Sang Ah , Park, Chi Min , Yun, Seong Hyeon , Lee, Woo Yong , Choi, Dong Wook , Chun, Hokyung
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):406-412.
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Local excision, including transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM), has become an alternative to the classic radical operation for early rectal cancer. However, radical resection for rectal cancer is necessary for advanced tumor, poor differentiation, a narrow resection margin, and positive lymphovascular invasion. This study presents the factors related to recurrence in patients who required secondary radical surgery after TEM, but did not undergo the operation.
From November 1994 to December 2004, 167 patients underwent TEM for rectal cancer. Thirty-six of those patients were included in this study. Inclusion criteria were poor differentiation, a mucinous carcinoma, invasion to a proper muscle layer, lymphovascular invasion, and a positive resection margin.
Twelve of the 36 patients underwent a secondary radical operation, but 24 of them did not due to poor general condition or refusal. One of 12 patients (8.3%) who underwent a secondary radical operation had a systemic recurrence. Five of 24 patients (20.8%) who did not receive surgery had recurrences; 3 of 5 were local recurrence, and the others were distant metastases. Among the 24 patients who did not undergo a secondary radical operation, there were no recurrences in 2 cases of poor differentiation or mucinous carcinoma and in 2 cases of positive resection margin. There were 2 cases of recurrences in the 7 patients (25.0%) who had lymphovascular invasion, 1 case in the 1 patient (100%) who had a T3 lesion, 3 cases in the 17 patients (12.5%) who had T2 lesions.
In high-risk patients, TEM followed by radical surgery is most beneficial in preventing local recurrence. A radical operation is strongly recommended especially if pathologic results after TEM shows T3 lesions or lymphovascular invasion.
Synchronous Lesions in Colorectal Cancer.
Park, Young Jin
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):413-418.
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The detection and removal of synchronous cancer and polyps in colorectal surgery is important to prevent the future development of metachronous cancer. However, it is occasionally impossible to evaluate the entire colon with colonoscopy preoperatively due to luminal obstruction by tumors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence of synchronous colorectal tumors and to emphasize the importance of their peri-operative detection through vigorous application of colonoscopy.
Three hundreds two patients underwent a potentially curative resection for colorectal cancer in Ilsan Paik Hospital from January 2000 to March 2005. Colonoscopy was performed preoperatively or intraoperatively. All the synchronous polyps detected by colonoscopy and contained in the surgical specimen were included in the analysis. The data on synchronous cancer and polyps were collected through medical records and colonoscopic databases. The incidence, the risk factors, and the effects of synchronous polyps on surgery were analyzed.
A total of 268 polyps were detected in 112 patients (37%) when all types of polyp were included whereas true adenomatous polyps were present in 78 patients (26%) among 302 patients. Synchronous cancers were found in 14 patients (4.6%). The detection of polyps on preoperative colonoscopy changed the surgical strategy in 30 out of the 223 patients (13.5%) who had completed preoperative colonoscopy. Neither the age and the gender of the patient, the location and the stage of the tumor, nor the family history were related with increased risk of synchronous polyps. Seventeen among 46 intraoperative colonoscopy cases had synchronous lesions which were not known on preoperative evaluation. Another bowel resection was needed to remove the lesions in nine of them.
Synchronous colorectal polyps or cancer is frequent, and preoperative detection is important. Intraoperative colonoscopy can provide valid information if a preoperative colonoscopic evaluation is not available.
Functional and Oncologic Outcome of Coloanal Anastomosis in Low Lying Rectal Cancer.
Won, Sang Lim , Kim, Ik Yong , Sung, Seong Hoon , Kim, Dae Sung
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):419-425.
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Sphincter preservation is one of the main goal in the treatment of rectal cancer, but surgical management of cancer of the lower third of the rectum continues to evolve. The aim of this study was to evaluate the oncologic safety and to assess the functional results of coloanal anastomosis following ultra low anterior resection (CAA/ uLAR) in distal rectal cancer.
Thirty-six patients underwent coloanal anastomosis following ultralow anterior resection between January 2000 and February 2005. Main operative techniques were total mesorectal excision with autonomic nerve preservation. Colonic J pouch was made 6 cm in length. All patients were followed up for fecal incontinence and frequency of bowel movement after diverting ileostomy closure. All patients were evaluated for local or systemic recurrences.
The mean age of the patients was 58.7 (34~82) years. The median follow-up period was 24.5 (6~55) months. The types of anastomosis were straight anastomosis (n=25), colonic J pouch formation (n=10) and coloplasty (n=1). The twenty-nine patients of thirty-one patients underwent diverting ileostomy were performed ileostomy repair. The twenty-two patients had frequency after ileostomy repair. There is no statistical correlation of reservoir type and frequency (P=0.604). But the relationship between adjuvant radiation and frequency is statistically correlated (P=0.012). Postoperative complications were anastomotic leakage (n=5), but mostly radiological minor leakage, transient paralytic ileus (n=2), and anastomotic stenosis (n=1). The local recurrence rate is 3% and systemic recurrence occurred in 5 patients (14%), most patients were in Astler-Coller stage C.
Ultralow anterior resection and coloanal anastomosis in low lying rectal cancer did not seem to affect recurrence. This procedure has poor functional outcome in early period but normal continence and acceptable frequency of bowel movements can be obtained at 1 year after operation.
Clinical Trial
Hematologic and Non-hematologic Toxicity after Intravenous Adjuvant 5-Fluorouracil and Leucovorin Treatment of Colorectal Cancer: A Prospective Study.
Lee, Kyu Jae , Moon, Sun Mi , Hwang, Dae Yong
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):426-432.
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Although large clinical trials have been performed attempting to find an optimal 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based regimen on the basis of activity and toxicity, there have been few data reporting the toxicity. We experienced a less severe toxicity than previous reports, so we undertook an analysis of the toxicity profiles of 5-FU-based chemotherapy on colorectal cancer patients.
Forty-two patients were consecutively enrolled in this study from Sep. 2002 to Sep. 2003. The primary endpoints were the incidences of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headache, stomatitis, alopecia, and leukopenia, as recorded with the standard National Cancer Institute- Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI-CTC). The regimen used in this study was intravenous infusion of 5-FU, 500 mg/m2, plus leucovorin (LV), 20 mg, daily for 5 days every 4 weeks for 6 cycles. Information on toxic profiles was obtained by questionnaire and blood test data during each cycle of treatment.
Of the patients, 73.8% experienced at least one type of toxicity. There were no clinical grade 3/4 toxicities. Toxicites (grade 1/2) were as follows: anorexia (51.2%), nausea (50.4%), constipation (24.6%), headache (11.5%), vomiting (4.0%), diarrhea (2.4%), alopecia (2.0%), stomatitis (0.4%), and leukopenia (4.0%). The most common adverse event was gastrointestinal toxicity (16.6%). There were no deaths attributed to non-hematologic toxicity. There was no dose reduction during any cycle of treatment. In a comparison of the incidence of toxicity by age (<65 and > or =65), gender, and TNM stage, univariate analysis found no statistical differences.
Our data would seem to confirm that Korean patients experienced less incidence and severity of toxicity than Western patients. We believe that the accumulated data provide sufficient evidence that colorectal patients in Korea actually experience a less severe toxicity of 5-FU-based chemotherapy when they are treated on this schedule. Considering this study, a race-specific dose determination for a colorectal cancer adjuvant chemotherapeutic setting is warranted.
Signal Transduction Pathways in Colorectal Cancer Carcinogenesis and Metastasis.
Baek, Moo Jun
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2005;21(6):433-444.
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Cell proliferation and differentiation are regulated by a number of hormones, growth factors. These molecules interact with cellular receptors and communicate with the nucleus of the cell through a network of intracellular signal transduction pathways. A great deal of recent work has defined signal transduction pathways that distinguish malignant from normal cells, and hence identified potential targets for cancer therapy. In colorectal cancer cells, key components of these pathways may be altered by oncogenes through overexpression or mutation, leading to dysregulated cell signaling, inhibition of apoptosis, metastasis, and cell proliferation. The molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways that regulate cell proliferation and survival are receiving considerable attention as potential targets for anticancer strategies. This article was reviewed the role of signal transduction in colorectal cancer, introduce promising molecular targets, and outline therapeutic approaches under development.
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