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Please check each item for manuscript submission and mark ✓ in ☐.

1. Cover page
  • ☐ Input an accurate name, institutional affiliation, address and email address of the corresponding author.
2. Contents of main body
  • ☐ The abstract should not exceed 250 words for original articles (structured: Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion), technical notes (unstructured), and guidelines (unstructured); and 200 words for reviews (unstructured).
  • ☐ First characters of five or less keywords should be capitalized.
  • ☐ Manuscript should be written in in double-spaced text using Microsoft Word with a 10-point font size.
  • ☐ Introduction should provide specific background and purpose.
  • ☐ Subjects should be composed of homogeneous groups and methods should provide proper reasons and standards for being chosen in the research.
  • ☐ Results should describe only findings coinciding with purpose of the research objectively and should avoid duplication of contents of a table if a table is presented.
  • ☐ Discussion should deal with whether the results coincide with purpose or hypothesis of the research and emphasize new and important findings. It should present rationality and accuracy of the results by comparing with findings of other researchers.
  • ☐ In the Discussion, facts not related with the study should not be cited.
3. Writing main body
  • ☐ Numerals should be written in Arabic, and weights and measures should be expressed with the metric system. All units should use the International System (SI) system.
    Example: cm, kg, mL, mmHg, sec
  • ☐ The names of manufacturers should be included in parentheses when mentioning instruments, reagents, drugs, etc.
  • ☐ Leave a space between numerals and units.
    Example: 60 mL, 170 cm
  • ☐ Leave a space between English and parentheses or numerals and parentheses.
    Example) tumor necrosis factor (TNF), 36 female patients (11%), 1 of 41 (2.4%), prolapse (n = 12)
  • ☐ References cited in the text should be numbered with Arabic numbers in the order of their appearance and the Arabic numbers should be written after the surnames of the authors or at the end of the sentences (periods) with brackets.
    Example: Min [1] reported ---, --- significant [2], --- environment [3–7].
  • ☐ When authors are one or two, write the surnames of all authors. When they are more than two, write ‘‘et al.’’ after the surname of the first author.
    Example: Hwang and Mun [3] found ---, Sim et al. [4] said ---, Wong and Pemberton [3] determined ---, Rothenberg et al. [4] reported ---
4. References
  • ☐ Only references cited in the text should be numbered in the order of their appearance.
  • ☐ Same references should not be cited with different numbers.
  • ☐ Local literatures should also be written in English.
  • ☐ The surname should be put before the given name, whose first letter is capitalized. List all authors for sources with no more than 6 authors; if there are more than 6, list the first 6 authors followed by “et al.”
  • ☐ Abbreviations of journals should conform to the ‘‘List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus’’ and ‘‘List of journals Indexed in KoreaMed’’ including the latest abbreviations.
  • ☐ References should be presented according to the Submission Requirements.
5. Tables
  • ☐ Tables should be numbered with Arabic numbers on a separate page in the order of their appearance in the text.
  • ☐ Tables should be descriptive enough by themselves and the text should not duplicate the contents of the tables.
  • ☐ Table titles should be written in clauses and phrases. Only the first letters of the titles should start with capital letters and only the first letter of each item within tables should be capitalized.
  • ☐ Abbreviations should be explained below without changing lines.
    Example: PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SD, standard deviation.
  • ☐ Symbols should be in superscripted lowercase alphabet letters (e.g., a, b, c, d).
    Example: aStatistically significant.
  • ☐ Check the accuracy of the data again.
6. Figures
  • ☐ Drawings and figures should be numbered with Arabic numbers in the order of their appearance in the text.
  • ☐ Image files should be attached in TIFF, GIF, JPEG, or PPT format with a minimum width of 107 mm, and a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for color figures, 500 dpi for black-and-white figures, and 1,000 dpi for line art figures.
  • ☐ All figures should be original. When the figures of other papers are used, provide the permission of the original author(s).
  • ☐ Explanation on figures should be numbered and listed on a separate page. The titles and explanations should be presented in clauses and in complete sentences, respectively.
  • ☐ When several figures are numbered within the same numeral, they are identified with the characters of A, B, C, and so on, after the Arabic numerals.
    Example: Fig. 1A ---, Fig. 1B ---
  • ☐ Microscopic pictures should be associated with their staining methods and magnification.
    Example: H&E, ×400.

(☑ Please check the boxes above.)

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