Annals of Coloproctology



Original Article
J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2002;18(2):95-103.
Psychiatric Investigation by Using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in Patients with Chronic Constipation.
Park, Ung Chae , Yoo, Young Bum , Kim, Jong Jun , Nam, Beom Woo
1Department of General Surgery, College of Medicine, Kon-Kuk University Hospital, Chung-Ju, Korea.
2Department of General Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Kon-Kuk University Hospital, Chung-Ju, Korea.
PURPOSE: Current study was designed to understand the personality and emotional composition of patients with chronic constipation. Specifically, the personality differences were evaluated in the ramified subgroups based on the physiologic characteristics.
Forty patients (31 females and 9 males) of a mean age of 48 (range, 16~86) years underwent the MMPI among 310 patients with chronic constipation. MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) profiles were utilized for psychologic assessment for all patients prior to making diagnosis. Three validity scales of MMPI included L (Lie scale), F (Infrequency scale), K (Suppressor scale). Ten clinical scales included HS (hypochondriasis), DP (depression), HY (hysteria), PD (psychopathic deviant), MF (masculinity- feminity), PA (paranoia), PT (psychasthenia), SC (schizophrenia), MA (mania), SI (social introversion). On the basis of findings with use of anorectal physiologic studies, subgroups were categorized as patients with rectocele (A1, n=22), patient without rectocele (A2, n=18), patients with nonrelaxing puborectalis syndrome (B1, n=10), patients without nonrelaxing puborectalis syndrome (B2, n=30). The MMPI profiles were compared between subgroup patients.
In overall patients, mean scores for scales HS, DP were elevated as compared with mean profiles (60~65 and 45~55, respectively). Male patients showed higher mean scores for scale SI than those of female patients (male vs. female; 63.5 vs. 53.9, P<0.05). A1 group showed higher mean scores for PD scale than those of A2 group (A1 vs. A2; 57.4 vs. 49.8, P=0.01). B1 group showed higher mean scores for DP scale than those of B2 group (B1 vs. B2; 67.5 vs. 59.8, P<0.05).
Present series provided that the MMPI is a valuable tool for assessing the psychologic functioning of patients with chronic constipation. It has revealed a different personality and emotional composition in the subgroup patients based on the anorectal physiologic studies. An aspect of social introversion, psychopathic deviant and depression should be emphasized. These findings can provide the fundamental information for guideline of future diagnostic evaluation and therapy in the patients with chronic constipation.

Keywords :MMPI;Psychology;Chronic constipation;Nonrelaxing puborectalis;Rectocele

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