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HOME > J Korean Soc Coloproctol > Volume 13(2); 1997 > Article
Original Article
Comparative Study of Sphincter Saving Resection and Abdominoperineal.
Yu, Chang Sik , Kim, Jin Cheon , chung, Hee Won , Lee, Han Il , Lee, Kang Hong
Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology 1997;13(2):183-190

Department of Surgery, University of Ulsan College of Medicine & Asan Medical Center.
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We compared the recurrence rate, survival and functional results of 159 low rectal cancer patients retrospectively, who had been performed 75 sphincter saving resections (SSR) and 84 abdomino-perineal resections(APR) during July 1989 to December 1994. The local recurrence rate was 9.3% in SSR and 8.3% in APR group, while systemic recurrence rate was 20.5% and 16.7%, respectively(p>0.05). Three year survival rate was 70% in SSR and 85% in APR group. Comparing with Dukes'stage, it was 69%, 89% in Dukes'B and 63%, 84% in Dukes'c stage, respectively(p>0.05). In respect to the number of metastatic lymph node,3 year survival rate was 80%,95% in Nl group(< OR =3 metastatic lymph nodes) and 61%,72% in N2 group(> OR =4 metastatic lymph nodes), respectively(p>0.05). According to the distal resection margin(DRM), it was 100% in group 1(1 cm< OR =DRM<2 cm), 63% in group 2(2 cm< OR =DRM < 3 cm) and 72% in group 3(DRM> OR = 3 cm), respectively(p>0.05). Voiding dysfunction was developed 36.0% of SSR and 28.6% of APR postoperatively. Erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction rate was 33.3%, 66.7% of SSR and 58.8%, 88.3% APR group respectively, There were no significant differences in recurrence rate, survival rate and functional results Between SSR and APR group. Conclusively, sphincter saving resection in low rectal cancer surgery did not seem to affect survival or recurrence. A good functional outcome in the SSR suggests it to be a procedure of choice, if possible.

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