Current issue Volume 40(6); December 2024
Articles with video
Visual abstracts
Effect of continuous wound infiltration on patients using intravenous patient-controlled analgesia for pain management after reduced-port laparoscopic colorectal surgery
New double-stapling technique without staple-crossing line in laparoscopic low anterior resection: effort to reduce anastomotic leakage
Early warning model to detect anastomotic leakage following colon surgery: a clinical observational study
Impact of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program on the management of complications after laparoscopic or robotic colectomy for cancer
- Most viewed articles
- Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of complex anal fistula4,135
- Outcomes of side-to-end versus end-to-end colorectal anastomosis in nonemergent sigmoid and rectal cancers: a randomized controlled clinical trial3,031
- Essential knowledge and technical tips for total mesorectal excision and related procedures for rectal cancer1,710
- The role of lateral pelvic lymph node dissection in advanced rectal cancer: a review of current evidence and outcomes1,388
- Most cited articles
- Multimodal prerehabilitation for elderly patients with sarcopenia in colorectal surgery20
- Laser hemorrhoidoplasty versus conventional hemorrhoidectomy for grade II/III hemorrhoids: a systematic review and meta-analysis15
- Laser hemorrhoidoplasty in the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids: a pilot Australian study11
- Optimal anastomotic technique in rectal surgery to prevent anastomotic leakage10
- Ahead of print
- Technical approach in the management of perianal fistula: combining ovine extracellular matrix with endoanal ultrasound to review the surgical outcome
- Antibiotic use during the first episode of acute perianal sepsis: a still-open question
- Comparison of colorectal cancer surgery patients in intensive care between rural and metropolitan hospitals in Australia: a national cohort study
- Ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) for high transsphincteric fistulas: a double-center retrospective study with long-term follow-up